David Shane



Hi, I'm David and I'm a fourth year majoring in Computer Science at UC Berkeley. When I'm not studying I enjoy include playing volleyball, watching movies, and cooking!


DevOps Engineer Intern

CoStar Group

June 2023 - August 2023

● Developed a simple Flask app with Redis caching, containerized with Docker, and ran in local Kubernetes cluster.

● Deployed the app to development AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) app cluster using Helm Charts.

● Terraformed AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS) cluster and set up the app to run here in a private subnet.

● Saved company over $500/month migrating development Temporal service from separate EKS cluster to app EKS cluster. Migration process will be replicated in higher environments, greatly increasing savings.

  • Python
  • Amazon Web Service (AWS)
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Azure DevOps
  • Terraform

DevOps Engineer Intern

Quotient Technology Inc.

June 2022 - August 2022

● Accomplished setting up Spacelift, a collaborative Infrastructure as Code (IaC) management tool, with our internal IaC workflow so that it could be tested out by the ~15 members of our team as part of the software rollout process.

● Wrote a Python script in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to automatically create new Spacelift stack resources after a GitHub push event. Automated script provides a 10x improvement in time compared to manual stack creation.

● Additionally worked with a Senior Engineer to migrate configs and tested server creation using an Ansible playbook.

  • Python
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
  • Terraform

Academic Intern

Data Structures & Algorithms (CS61B) Course Staff

August 2021 - May 2022

● Taught foundational computer science concepts to dozens of students’ using Java.

● Deepened my own knowledge and understanding of data structures and algorithms through assisting students.

  • Java


Code availible upon direct request.


● Built a shell, similar to the bash shell, that provides an interface for users to access the operating system's services.

● Utilized a variety of different Linux syscalls to handle program execution, redirection, and piping.

  • C

File Sharing System

● Designed and developed a secure file sharing system, like Dropbox, where users can create, share, and revoke files with other users.

● Encrypted data using public key and symmetric encryption to keep confidentiality and integrity over insecure server.

  • Golang


● Wrote underlying C code for a simple version of the Python NumPy library, which is used for performing mathematical operations, like multiply, on arrays and matrices.

● Optimized code using SIMD instructions and OpenMP for parallelization.

● Achieved a comprehensive 48x speedup when testing all functions with their naïve counterparts.

  • C


● Constructed a local version-control system similar to the popular system Git.

● Contained many features found in Git, such as: add, rm, commit, merge, etc.

  • Java

Tile-Based Game

● Software engineered an explorable tile-based world that could be played as an interactive game.

● Featured random world generation, persistent saving and loading, and an informative Heads-Up Display (HUD).

  • Java




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